FREQUEN-ZZZ® is an investigational medical device intended to improve sleep in patients with insomnia. Kunasan Inc sponsored a Proof-of-Concept investigational study with the Pennsylvania State University that commenced in July 2023 with last data collection May 10th 2024. This study is a double-blind clinical trial, in which bedside controllers for Kunasan’s FREQUEN-ZZZ® Sleep Pad systems are coded and either “activated” or “deactivated” (sham/control) prior to the clinical site receiving the devices for use in the research. The participants in this study recorded Insomnia Severity Index scores of ≥ 8 at enrollment.
Proof-of-Concept Investigational Study
For details about the study, or to see the study results, please visit the study link by clicking the buttons below. You will be redirected to the study page.

"Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together."
Thomas Dekker